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    Yohimbine to Help with Snoring

    There are many devices that claim to alleviate snoring. Most of them have limited evidence or no clinical proof. Sleep apnea is a more serious ailment and is a chronic condition. CPAP is the widely used device to remedy sleep apnea, at least to contain it if not to cure it. CPAP has been criticized

    By |2019-09-09T04:54:12-07:00September 30th, 2017|Categories: Alternative Snoring Solution|Comments Off on Yohimbine to Help with Snoring

      Socks for Snoring

      Snoring is a problem that affects many sleepers around the world. This is especially the case for those that have to sleep next to or share a bed with these snorers and the snorers themselves. While snoring is undoubtedly annoying, snoring can be a symptom of a larger problem that can lead to serious medical

      By |2019-09-09T04:54:13-07:00August 31st, 2017|Categories: Wearable Items to Reduce Snoring|Comments Off on Socks for Snoring

        Apple Aims to Help You Sleep Better with Beddit Buy

        Apple has purchased Beddit, a Finnish sleep monitoring company. Although the full details of the buyout have yet to emerge, Beddit users were served with an updated privacy policy nothing that personal data gathered by Beddit will be shared in compliance with Apple's Privacy Policy going forward. The message pushed to Beddit owners read: “Beddit

        By |2019-09-09T04:54:13-07:00July 29th, 2017|Categories: Wearable Items to Reduce Snoring|Comments Off on Apple Aims to Help You Sleep Better with Beddit Buy

          Nocturia and Sleep Apnea

          Nocturia is waking up from sleep at night to voluntarily urinate. Until recently, it was thought to be because of a full bladder, however, it is a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. Waking up once or twice to go to the bathroom to urinate is considered normal, however waking up more than two times is

          By |2019-09-09T04:54:13-07:00June 30th, 2017|Categories: Medical Conditions|Comments Off on Nocturia and Sleep Apnea

            The Challenge of Choosing Anti Snoring and Sleep Apnea Devices

            There has been an unprecedented growth of anti-snoring and sleep apnea devices in the recent years. According to the statistics published in ‘Global Anti-Snoring & Sleep Apnea Devices Market Assessment & Forecast: 2016 – 2020’, the North American market alone was worth $2,775.1 million two years back and the industry is poised to grow in

            By |2019-09-09T04:54:13-07:00June 2nd, 2017|Categories: Alternative Snoring Solution|Comments Off on The Challenge of Choosing Anti Snoring and Sleep Apnea Devices

              Surgeries Used To Treat Snoring

              While it is true that snoring can come from a variety of sources, it is also true that there are a number of different ways in which to deal with the condition. There are several surgical procedures and other treatment methods that can be used to alleviate the snoring. Naturally, these are things you are

              By |2019-09-09T04:54:13-07:00May 20th, 2017|Categories: Alternative Snoring Solution|Comments Off on Surgeries Used To Treat Snoring

                Men Who Snore: Is This A Sign Of Infertility?

                According to IFV experts in New Delhi, men are more likely to have infertility with poor sleep than females. In other words, if you’re a man, and you snore on a regular basis, this snoring could be the first serious indication that you are infertile. Obviously, this is not a guarantee, but the recent study

                By |2019-09-09T04:54:14-07:00May 8th, 2017|Categories: Alternative Snoring Solution|Comments Off on Men Who Snore: Is This A Sign Of Infertility?

                  Avoiding Snoring During Pregnancy

                  There is no question that when it comes to extraordinary moments in one’s life, having a baby can be right at the top of the list for many. The list of joys and challenges associated with child birth is a long one indeed.   One of the most common problems associated with pregnancy involves snoring.

                  By |2019-09-09T04:54:14-07:00April 27th, 2017|Categories: Alternative Snoring Solution|Comments Off on Avoiding Snoring During Pregnancy

                    The Relationship Between Wisdom Teeth And Snoring

                    Snoring occurs during a partial blockage of an individual’s airways. When this happens, the passing of air is going to become difficult. When some of the air is forced back into the mouth, negative pressure can occur. Your soft palate is going to begin to vibrate as a consequence of this. The end result will

                    By |2019-09-09T04:54:14-07:00April 19th, 2017|Categories: Alternative Snoring Solution|Comments Off on The Relationship Between Wisdom Teeth And Snoring

                      Nora and Zeeq Smart Pillows

                      Smart products seem to be everywhere these days. For those who find themselves struggling to deal with their snoring, there are even smart pillows. You’ll find a couple of options on that front. The Nora smart pillow is your first possibility, and the Zeeq smart pillow represents your second choice. Are either of these possibilities

                      By |2019-09-09T04:54:14-07:00February 28th, 2017|Categories: Smart Pillows|Comments Off on Nora and Zeeq Smart Pillows